Mailhardener vendor information

To prevent bank account fraud, please verify that invoices from Mailhardener match the following information:

Company details

Bank details

Note: before April 2024, invoices from Mailhardener would have been sent from our parent company Parsey B.V., read more about that here.

Payment by bank transfer

Payment by invoice can be made via SEPA bank transfer, or international wire transfer.

Our international bank account number (IBAN) is: NL88RABO0382326202, our Bank Identifier Code (BIC, aka 'routing number') is RABONL2U. The account holder name for the IBAN is Mailhardener B.V., the account is held in The Netherlands (Europe). Acceptable currencies are: Euro (EUR) or US-Dollars (USD).

Mailhardener cannot accept paper checks.

Payment by card or other payment service

For customers paying by card (debit or credit) or other service (PayPal, SoFort, iDEAL or Bancontact), payments are processed by our payment service provider Stripe. Please note that some card providers may block payments outside your country. Even though Stripe is based in the United States, Mailhardener (the beneficiary) is a company registered in The Netherlands, Europe. Please verify with your bank if payments to Europe are allowed if you are experiencing issues with setting up your payment account with Mailhardener.

Customer support

We understand that fraud is a concern to many of our customers. When in doubt, feel free to contact customer support ( to verify the information above.