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MTA-STS validator

With this tool you can inspect and validate an MTA-STS policy and DNS record. We'll test the policy and record against all requirements from the MTA-STS standard RFC8461

Note: If you use MTA-STS, it is recommended to also use SMTP TLS reporting, we have a validator for SMTP TLS reporting here.

Just enter your domain name below and press the inspect button.

We will test the DNS record at _mta-sts.[your-domain] and the policy file at https://mta-sts.[domain]/.well-known/mta-sts.txt.

Inspecting record, just a moment

Mailhardener hosted MTA-STS

Mailhardener offers hosted MTA-STS, which will allow you to adopt MTA-STS for your domain in less than a minute. It's completely maintenance free. Mailhardener MTA-STS policy hosting comes included in the Mailhardener suite.

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